Inside a Dreamy Oasis in Mexico That Was Once the Sanctuary of an Italian Duchess

AD100 Designer Giancarlo Valle has brought his signature touch to Esencia Mansion

Complementing the earthy plaster and concrete that dominated the construction is a showcase of Mexican materials, including local stone, tropical wood, ceramics, and Oaxacan-made rugs that exemplify craftsmanship. These intriguing details were “put together in a considered and elevated way,” adds Valle.

Although Esencia Mansion is residential in nature, its location on the grounds of the hotel mean it also benefits from a hospitality context, allowing Valle to weave in such showstoppers as a sculptural staircase enlivened by an archway, some 20 custom furniture designs, and a bedroom suite that stretches across the entire third floor, complete with treetop views and a plunge pool.

Along with elements crafted by numerous local artisans, the compound teems with works from artists and designers plucked from Wendle’s own vast collection, including Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Fernando Botero, Betty Woodman, Jayson Musson, and Willy Guhl.

“The Mexican artist Humberto Ramirez spent three months lying flat on his back painting the mural in our hidden speakeasy,” recounts Wendle, and “each tile in the swimming pool was designed by Marcel Dzama, who was stranded with us briefly during the pandemic and inspired to draw dozens of the animals who share our property.” All of the blue-and-white tiles “have these veins painted into them, which is a traditional technique,” adds Valle.

Organic connections between rooms and objects stand out to Valle. “Every surface just seems to blend into the other,” he says. “There’s a softness to everything that you just want to touch. In this part of the world, everything comes to life with the sun.”